3 powerful reasons to use infographics

3ReasonsForIngoGs.jpgResearch tells us that our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text. From this alone, we know that an infographic is a powerful tool.

But did you also know that 93 percent of all human communication is non-verbal? And people remember 80 percent of what they see and do compared with 20 percent of what they read.

Need more reasons to incorporate infographics into your communications strategy? Here are three to consider as you work to build your brand:

  1. Easily digestible content

Infographics are like mini posters. They tend to focus on presenting data in a visual way, using such tools as charts, spot illustrations and graphs. Like any other media, the hierarchy of information is key in planning the most effective layout. Take care to avoid chaos and confusion, and focus on creating a clean readable story.

  1. Foster brand awareness

Setting up your company as an expert in your industry is important to support future growth. Infographics are value added content and help you be seen as an industry educator. It softens the “sell” by giving the customer relevant useful information.

  1. Super shareable

Any good campaign will flow across different media. Infographics are great for sales and product sheets, proposal graphics, advertisements and posters. They are also super shareable to post on Pinterest, Facebook, etc. The individual elements can be broken apart and used as mini posts as well.

Remember, infographics are an extension of your brand. Elements should follow your brand style guide by using defined colors, fonts and illustration style.