3 reasons why you should blog for your business

Blog for your business

Blogging is no longer the domain of Internet junkies and angst-ridden teens on LiveJournal, one of the oldest online blog communities around. It has now become an omnipresent element of the Internet. In fact, businesses big and small have joined the blogosphere and are regularly posting new content.

If you haven’t yet embraced blogs as part of your online content marketing strategy, here are three reasons why you should be blogging for your business:

  1. Blogging improves your website’s search engine optimization (SEO)

That’s right. If you’re trying to rise to the top of Google’s search results, blogging is a tool you can do to do just that. Blogging does two things search engine crawlers like: 1. It puts fresh content on your website, and 2. Blogging provides the ability to insert keywords into your web copy.

  1. Blogging provides your company with an “owned” media channel

Here at Fletcher, we talk a lot about paid, earned, owned and shared media channels. A blog is what we would call an “owned media channel,” which means you (the business) owns it. A blog gives you a platform to share company news, sales and promotions with your customers or prospective clients.

  1. Blogging helps position you as an expert

If you want to be the top company in your field, you need to be able to talk the talk as much as you walk the walk. Providing content that your customers find either educational or entertaining is a good way to turn a random web user into a customer. Talking about your industry and providing relevant information to the reader will establish you as an authority and help begin building that relationship bridge.

Blogging isn’t just a pastime for bored Internet users anymore. It is a marketing tactic used to draw customers toward your business. If you’re not blogging, you should be. Who knows what business opportunities you could be missing.