3 Tips to Landing a Marketing or PR Internship


Internships are extremely valuable when it comes to taking the first steps toward your career goals. They offer experiences that college classrooms can’t, such as industry insight, mentorships and hands-on learning. By gaining this type of knowledge, you’ll not only be building your resume, but also making yourself a more marketable and valued asset to any future employer.

However, getting the internship you want isn’t always easy. Because your resume will be one of many—possibly hundreds—you’ll want your application to stand out. Here are some things you can do to make sure your application makes a lasting impression:

  1.     Build your resume

Even before you begin searching for internships, start compiling a list of work and volunteer experiences and other valuable skills you’ve acquired through the years. If you’re interested in the marketing or public relations industry, strong writing skills is a must. There are also lots of organizations you can join to show that you are taking initiative to learn, such as local chapters of the American Marketing Association or Public Relations Society of America.

  1.     Prepare a portfolio

When you apply to any internship, it helps to have a presentable portfolio of work. Because marketing and public relations are extremely writing-centric, be prepared to show examples of any written work you have done, such as blogs, newspaper columns, press and media releases for class and other relevant materials. If you’ve managed social media for school-based clubs or local organizations, have a sample of tweets or Facebook posts you’ve created. A portfolio gives employers an idea of what type of work you are familiar with and showcases your skill set.

  1.     Make meaningful connections

The Latin phrase Carpe diem means, ‘Seize the day.’ When opportunities to meet and mingle with industry professionals, inspiring teachers in the field and future employers present themselves, take them! Making friends with those who have a background in what you are interested in will help you gain insight into the business. You’ll also get insider tips on where to get a foot in the door and (hopefully) positive recommendations. Having a third party vouch for you will carry a lot of weight when you decide to apply for any type of position.

Do you think you are ready to apply for an internship? Fletcher will be at the University of Tennessee’s College of Communication & Information Job and Internship Fair from 1-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at Thompson Boling Arena. 

We are looking for candidates interested in our spring and summer internship positions. If you’ve got a flair for public relations and marketing, we’d love to meet you! Be sure to stop by and bring us a copy of your resume.