A Case Study in Marketing to Women: Revive Personal Products

Spin the Sperm game

In 2009, we started working with Revive Personal Products, which had just purchased the Conceptrol® brand of spermicide from Johnson & Johnson. With its new product in hand, Revive wanted to change the way women, particularly younger women, viewed spermicide and show them that it was an effective birth control method.

Revive wanted to reach a younger demographic, women between the ages of 25 and 45, but not a whole lot of women in Revive’s desired age rage were very keen on spermicide. These women had a lot of misconceptions about the product and also viewed it as “grandma’s birth control.” Clearly, reaching this younger audience was going to be a challenge.

So what did we do? We devised a campaign titled “Love the Penis. Kill the Sperm,” that launched in 2010. We created a mascot, a plush sperm doll named “Amore’,” as well as a fun game for Revive’s website, called “Spin the Sperm.”

We also know that women love to take quizzes. Cosmopolitan magazine has been selling millions of copies centered around this concept. Knowing this, we also created a quiz to test your “vagina IQ.”

The campaign was a great success in marketing to women. Revive gained national media attention in the news, and Amore’ even made an appearance on the Chelsea Handler Show. Also, Conceptrol® received eye-level placement on store shelves, and the website received record traffic.

FletcherPR is a national communications firm that specializes in reaching women through the power of media. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN with staff in Nashville & Los Angeles, we are a full-service agency providing strategic public relations, social media and marketing communications services to our clients throughout the U.S.