A happy work culture is key to success

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”- Albert Schweitzer

For the past four months, I have worked as an intern for Fletcher Marketing PR, and it has opened my eyes to the possibilities of a happy work culture.

Finding an internship that gives you great experience is important, but finding an internship that also allows you to have fun is where true success begins.

As an intern, I never could’ve imagined all the blessings I’ve received on top of an amazing work experience. In November, I was fortunate to be invited on a strategic planning trip with the Fletcher team in Asheville, N.C. During our two-day retreat, we were treated to a cozy condo, great food, tickets to the candlelight tour at the Biltmore, and more importantly, a chance to bond with each other.

While the team discussed our goals for the New Year, I witnessed my co-workers grow as a work family. Through all of the team bonding and laughter, I believe they strengthened the business, developing a united plan for a prosperous 2016.

As I learn new skills and gain insights, I am reminded at Fletcher how powerful something as a little fun can be. Fun produces passion and passion produces success. Fun in the office is an everyday occurrence at Fletcher, and it has been one of the keys to the company’s success. Here are some reasons why you should be having fun too:

Happy employees are productive employees
It shouldn’t come a surprise that if you’re happy at your job, you will be more productive. Economists released a study in 2014 that found people who are happy at their job are at least 12 percent more productive. Companies, such as Google, who are known for their exceptional work environments, have happier employees, and in turn, are more successful in meeting their goals.

A fun environment is a creative environment
If your office has a working environment that is fun, your employees will be more likely to get their creative juices flowing. It is becoming increasingly important to think both critically and creatively in the workplace. Providing an open and positive work environment can motivate your employees to excel and unleash their imagination.

Positive culture creates better work relationships
Enjoying time with your coworkers – especially outside of the office – can create strong office friendships and lasting memories. Developing these work relationships can go a long way toward building a culture of collaboration. Co-workers will be more engaged, offering input or feedback, and they will gain a sense of accountability to ensure the success of the team.

So, have some fun in the office. Go for a night out with your co-workers. Have a laugh by the water cooler. In the end, your company’s internal happiness will produce external results.