Being #PrettyPowerful

Anyone who is even the least bit familiar with the cosmetics industry has heard of Bobbi Brown. She has made a name for herself by offering real beauty solutions to real women, encouraging them to figure out what works best for them, instead of trying to look like someone they aren’t. Her latest campaign to empower women is called Pretty Powerful and it’s currently in its second installment.

Brown describes Pretty Powerful as a symbol of her belief “that all women possess natural beauty and with the right tools, are empowered to a higher level of pretty…Pretty Powerful, Pretty Amazing, Pretty Gorgeous, etc.” She realizes that as women, we stay so busy and don’t always have as much time as we’d like to spend glam’ing it up.

Self-confidence comes from within and doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s definitely something worth working toward. Here at FletcherPR we love to celebrate women, for exactly who they are. As we stay committed to reaching women through the power of media, our goal is also to empower them along the way!