Bragging Rights via @HuffPostWomen

It’s pretty much common knowledge around here that marketing to women is what we do best. That statement might sound like we’re bragging, but according to a recent Huffington Post article on men and women in the workplace, we need to brag on ourselves a bit more. The article outlines different qualities men possess that aren’t such strong-suits for women. One of these is thinking we are awesome.

In her popular 2010 TED talk on the subject of women leaders, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said this: “If you ask men why they did a good job, they’ll say ‘I’m awesome.’ If you ask women why they did a good job…they’ll say…someone helped them, they got lucky, they worked really hard.”

The article mentions something called imposter syndrome, a common concept that makes a person feel like her success is due to luck and that she doesn’t deserve the reward that goes along with it. Apparently it can affect women who work in fields that were previously traditionally male-dominated.

Instead of thinking you just got lucky or were in the right place at the right time, why not try really believing how amazing you are? You have to first believe it for others to catch on, but catch on they will. Here at FletcherPR, we believe you are awesome! And we look forward to doing more awesome things in our field. It’s not bragging when it’s the truth!