Football Advertising Fever

Who DIDN’T watch the game last week? International Business Times reported that an average of 114.4 million people viewed NBC’s Sunday broadcast per minute! And although seeing the best two football teams in America confront one another isn’t often considered the place for ‘softies’, the ads featured last week certainly appealed to the ‘softer’ side of our emotions.

The Budweiser puppy lost and found, nostalgic Snicker’s/Brady Bunch spoofs, Nationwide’s PSA about preventable childhood deaths as well as their depiction of women feeling invisible all tugged at our heartstrings. However, it was P & G’s #likeagirl that scored a touchdown with me (along with the extra point)! Defining girls with confidence, boldness and desire to achieve is long overdue. Refraining or better yet, rewriting, misguided gender statements is our responsibility to the new generation.

If you missed some of the commercials, here are my favorites:–mLXg