Guest Blog: Secret Adventures for Courageous Women

Have you had any adventures lately?

If not, then you’re due, don’t you think? Getting out to experience the world enriches our lives. It also builds our confidence. That’s why I started hosting Secret Adventures for Courageous Women, fun outings for small groups of women to gather, explore, play and grow.

The catch?

They don’t know what we’re doing until we get there. That’s the Secret!

Here are 5 reasons exploring the world can transform your courage into confidence.

1. You are already courageous. Women fight their way through hard times daily: coping with aging parents, children, economic hardship, illness, and even war. Yet most of you are not as confident as you deserve to be, given all that you handle day in and day out. Because you “just do it” all the time, you don’t realize the enormous courage that you bring to the table.

2. Experiencing the world outside your living room is good for you. You’ll strengthen your mental health, your physical health, your mindset and your self-confidence. Getting out to try something you never thought you’d do – no matter how great or how small – is huge for building healthy self-esteem. It doesn’t matter if you’re any good at it, because you’ll have a fun – or funny – story to tell either way.

3. Big action defeats big fear. Try something much bigger than you ever thought you would do – even if it scares you to death. That’s the fastestway to achieve enormous personal growth. My personal favorites: a big sport (whitewater rafting, hang gliding, caving) or a big trip to someplace far away like Alaska or France, or maybe a solo trip to your favorite beach.

4. Even adults need to play. There’s more to do right there in your own backyard than most ever realize. Look online for parks, recreation and events in your area. Where I live, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is at our back door, but there’s more. Much. More. (If you’re in East Tennessee, check out for starters.)

5. There’s comfort and strength in a company of women. If I can do it, I’ll help you. If you can do it, I know you’ll help me. In the end, we’ll both be better, braver, stronger. Prouder. Grab some friends. Plan an outing. Hit the road. Girl Trip!

While talking to a reporter recently, my Courageous alumni were spilling over with enthusiasm – and pride, as they shared story after story about things they’d tried. And I can see their confidence growing with each new experience.

Click here to read about some of the fun things we’ve tried over the past year. Jot down a few things you’d like to try yourself, then find a way to sample at least one of them this fall.

So, what Adventure will YOU try next?

Tell us about it in the comments.

Wendy Pitts Reeves is a loving, pushy, quirky radical encourager who helps women transform Courage into Confidence through exploration, experience & adventure. She offers coaching and counseling in person, by Skype or phone to women around the country who are tired of settling for less than what they really want, who are ready to get off the couch and out into the world, and who just want to be heard. To get a FREE copy of her Courageous Woman’s Manifesto, shoot her an email at, or visit her website at