How to land a great internship

courtesy of Stuart Miles at freedigitalphotos.netGetting your degree is only half the battle when it comes to building up an impressive resume and preparing yourself for a career. Bringing valuable work experience to the table at a job interview will give you a competitive edge over other candidates and the confidence to perform better in your new position. So just how do you land that first internship?

Write an awesome resume
No one likes a bragger; however, when it comes to writing your resume, you need to tell everyone just how awesome you truly are. Focus on all of your skills and strengths. What is your expertise with different programs such as Excel and PowerPoint? What activities or groups are you a part of that have provided you experience related to your field? Tailor your resume so it highlights the things your desired internship will be looking for.

Research, research and research
Research different companies in your area that you might like to work for. Read up on their history, what exactly they do and their leadership. Consider their vision, goals and office culture? Choose a company not only in your desired field, but one with similar values to your own and that you would be proud to work for. Make a list of multiple options and apply to them all.

Ask questions
Based on the information you find in your research, come to the interview with a few good questions of your own about both the company and internship. Asking questions shows you’re not only interested but prepared. For example, you might ask, “What are key qualities you often see in your most successful interns?” or “How will you evaluate my performance?” Both you and the interviewer should come away feeling like joining the team is a good fit.