In Social Media, Timing is Everything.

Social media is everywhere. There’s no escaping it. You fall down the stairs in the library, and in five minutes the video is posted on Facebook (and tagged, of course). You meet your favorite musician and forget how to spell your name (or maybe that’s just me), and the whole 140-character tale enters the Twitter-sphere within seconds. Your date night outfit is on FLEEK, and naturally the selfie is prepped and primed for Instagram perfection.

But for businesses, it’s harder and harder to get material noticed because of this constant communication people have on the social media platforms. Real news gets watered down or lost between the surrounding posts of “mindless fluff” in news feeds. So what’s a brand to do?

Timing is everything.

Think about this: do you check your LinkedIn account on Fridays, if at all? Well then why would your business promote a blog on LinkedIn on a Friday? Even if it’s the best thing that has ever been written in the HISTORY of writing, no one will pay attention.

You need to know your outlet and its respective audience. Users have different preferences and behaviors on Facebook than they do on Twitter. Also, know your content. Nobody wants to scroll through a novelette of a caption on Instagram. Once you’ve devised a stellar social media plan, take a look at these timing tips from the Fast Company to get the most from your brand’s social media endeavors:


And for blogs:

  • The best time to publish a blog post is on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.
  • The highest readership of blogs occurs around 11 a.m.