Growth and Advice from Our Spring 2015 Intern, Rebecca Horky

11188283_10205074556516170_5399355244894663090_nThe last four months of my internship at Fletcher has helped shape me into the career woman I’ve been inspired to be. It wasn’t a “Grab six non-fat lattes before you come into work,” internship. It was a get-it-done and do-it-right sort of gig. There’s little time for errors in the world of PR, and that’s something I quickly had to realize.

Working at Fletcher taught me the fundamentals of public relations: punctuality and efficiency. You must meet your deadline and get the most out of each workday. This is something you definitely don’t learn in the classroom. It all comes from experience.

Aside from the work aspect of this internship, I have made two really special lifelong friends. If it wasn’t for this internship, I would be in a completely different place in my life right now. I know that this was all part of the plan for me.

As a senior in college who is about to graduate and move from Knoxville to a new city, I have no doubt that my knowledge acquired from Fletcher will lead me to great things. I’m excited for my future as a post-graduate (which feels weird to say!). I’m ready for a new chapter, and I can’t wait to see what my future holds!

My advice to my fellow classmates and undergraduates: if you get the opportunity to intern, take it. You never know where it might lead you and who you might meet.