Kelly Fletcher Gives Press Preview Tips to International Fashion Bloggers

The importance of relationships in media has increased. It’s becoming more and more about who you know as opposed to what you know. For bloggers, this can be difficult, considering you work in a predominantly digital sphere. One way to add a face to the blog is to attend press previews and events. Industry only press previews provide a great opportunity to develop these media relationships and get your name and face out there.

While preparing for our own press preview, Kelly was interviewed by Independent Fashion Blogger (IFB) about how bloggers can make the most out of a media/press event. IFB asked Kelly about expectations and goals, how to get invited, and other critical questions bloggers should be asking.

Here are three incredible tips for making the most of your media/press event:

  • If a blogger wants to be on the invite list for media preview, email PR firms that specialize in your field of interest. Search the O’Dwyer’s database, PRSA and even Google to identify firms in your area that may host events or be seeking coverage from bloggers. Companies are increasingly aware of the influence of the blogosphere and expect their PR firms to engage relevant bloggers.
  • Educate yourself. Turn press previews into an opportunity to discover the latest trends and designers who create them.
  • Network, network, network. Press events present a plethora of contacts for bloggers, and despite the fact that we all communicate electronically these days, there is no substitute for personal communication.