Ladies Love Social Media

Sometimes it’s difficult to remember a time before social media. We’re all so connected these days, it would be tough to experience anything to the contrary. In 2005, one study found that only 5% of internet users utilized social media. Just six short years later that number is 65%. When this statistic is broken down by gender, we see that a whopping 69% of women actively utilize social media daily, compared to the 60% of men who do.

A featured demographic of the women falls between the ages 18-29, 89% of which are active in social media. Previously, technology-driven trends have been more popular among males, but social media isn’t just your ordinary tech trend. While male marketers might be scratching their heads about how to reach women, here at FletcherPR we take great pride in our insight and ability to understand what it is that women want.

Social media marketing, when carried out strategically, provides female consumers with a sense of belonging, a community if you will. It’s about more than just what products are available. It’s about interacting on a deeper level and forming relationships that will enhance the entire experience.