Marketing to Women Entrepreneurs, Some Good News

The word entrepreneur gets tossed around a lot these days, but we’re happy to see that now, more than ever before, it is in regard to business savvy females. A recent article showcases the incredible things that are happening in the startup world for women entrepreneurs and we wanted to share some of the exciting developments here on the Her Voice Blog.

From media platforms like Women 2.0, The Daily Muse, EZebis and The Next Women, the talents and expertise of women founders and entrepreneurs are being showcased in new ways.

The article goes on to state “Investment firms like BELLE Capital, Golden Seeds,Phenomenelle Angels, KC Women’s Capital Connection,Illuminate Ventures, Texas Women Ventures and the Women’s Venture Fund are finding success by focusing their financial capital on women leaders. And the Pipeline Fellowship‘s angel training program is there to help make sure there is a steady flow of more women investors.”

“Conferences like PITCH, the We Own It Summit and the Women Entrepreneurs Festival are an open platform for bringing people together for discussion and networking.”

Additionally, awards such as “the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards, the Springboard Winners’ Circle Awards and the Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women seek to recognize the accomplishments of entrepreneurial women.”

Finally, there are “CEO groups and membership networks like 85 Broads, Ladies Who Launch, DWEN, Women In Bio, Startup Chicks, Sharp Skirts and the SheEOs who are providing local support groups of smart, talented women.”

Blogger Joshua Henderson believes there is a great opportunity “to build an even bigger pie for women entrepreneurs by continuing to collaborate together on a local and national level to build a funnel for women entrepreneurs from idea to startup to company to exit, whether it’s through a program focused on women or one that’s not.” We agree Joshua!

We also believe a huge piece to this puzzle is empowering girls to be leaders from a very young age, so that they already have the skills and confidence in place to become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

FletcherPR is a national communications firm that specializes in reaching women through the power of media. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN with staff in Nashville & Los Angeles, we are a full-service agency providing strategic public relations, social media and marketing communications services to our clients throughout the U.S.