Marketing to Women in the Top Cities for Female Entrepreneurs

New York City Skyline

Women account for 46 percent of the workforce, although lately it seems as if women trail men in almost every aspect of business. Men have the highest amounts of revenue, and they lead in job creation with 44 percent of male-led firms hiring and creating jobs.

However, there is an upside. Female-owned businesses in the U.S. have grown more than 50 percent since 1997, and those businesses currently generate nearly $1.3 trillion in revenue. Luckily, there are many programs, like The White House Project, and communities that are committed to the promotion of high-growth, female-led firms. This is a positive and impressive outlook for marketing to women and tipping the scales when it comes to entrepreneurship.

Forbes recently announced a list of the 15 best cities for female entrepreneurs. The No. 1 city comes as no surprise to any of us – New York City. The second city on the list is Houston, followed closely by Dallas. Combined, these sister cities boast more than 355,000 female-owned firms that pull in more than $66 million each year. This is interesting because, according to the AMEX OPEN 2012 State of Women-owned Business Report, Texas is among the top-five fastest-growing states for female-led firms. Washington D.C. is fourth in the list, and Atlanta rounds it out at No. 5.

What do you think about these top five cities? Was yours on there? Is your city doing something to help female entrepreneurs? We want to know.

FletcherPR is a national communications firm that specializes in reaching women through the power of media. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN with staff in Nashville & Los Angeles, we are a full-service agency providing strategic public relations, social media and marketing communications services to our clients throughout the U.S.