NEWSFLASH: Public Relations is Stressful (Insert Sarcasm Here)

Although I’m new to the game, I’ve learned a thing or two about public relations. One thing – you must always, ALWAYS have another set of eyes on something. I can get into this stream-of-consciousness flow when writing where all my words don’t make it to paper. So having someone insert “the”s, “and”s and “but”s where they need to be helps me read as a coherent writer.

One thing every public relations professional knows is how stressful it all can be. From the events to the deadlines, the stress builds. What we might not know is exactly how stressful public relations is compared to other jobs in the U.S.

Mystery solved – Public relations executive ranks as the sixth-most stressful job in America for 2014 according to

According to the article: “Jobs such as public relations executive, newspaper reporter and event coordinator are among the most stressful because of tight deadlines and scrutiny in the public eye.”

Evidently the stress was a little bit higher in 2013, with PR exec at #5, but a top-10 ranking two years in a row is saying something.

Beating taxi driver, police officer and corporate executive, the public relations executives of America probably have a masseuse on speed-dial. Our jobs don’t require us to be in any physical danger, but they do take some courage and time management skills.

So here’s to a year of making deadlines, time management, and ending the day with a glass of wine!