Our Project GRAD website launch

projectgradblog.pngWith more than 3 billion people now using the Internet, it is more important than ever to have a strong online presence.

Having a well-designed, content-rich website is one of the most powerful tools you can have to reach your existing and target audience.

Recognizing this, Project GRAD, a K-16 program that works with Knoxville students to provide the support they need to progress through their academic careers, tapped Fletcher Marketing PR to help give their website a complete visual makeover.

The result is an easy-to-navigate website that streamlines all program information so students and families can find what they’re looking for all in one spot.

Project GRAD can add new content on their website through the use of customizable slideshow banners, blog posts, event calendars and more! We are excited about the final product and have enjoyed helping Project GRAD create differences in the lives of students and their families here in our Knoxville community.

To learn more about Project GRAD, visit their new website: www.projectgradknoxville.org.