Ms. InterPReted:  Season 1 Memorable Moments

December 18, 2019

With year-end of 2019 closing in, Kelly and Mary Beth conclude Season 1 of #MsInterPReted for the calendar year with a look back at some of the most memorable moments, guests, interviews, laughs, revelations — and even a few tear-jerkers — from the podcast’s kick-off of Episodes 1-13. Revisit compelling interviews with guests as well as Kelly’s and Mary Beth’s top picks of their own best-practice discussions and insights.

Join Kelly and Mary Beth as they take a walk down memory lane of “Ms. InterPReted” / Season 1 and revisit their favorite on-air moments, as well as some of the key take-aways from the first 13 episodes of the podcast . . . including their amazing guests’ wit, humor, wisdom, insights and incredible storytelling — all about the power of strategic communications, human relationships and the fundamentals of good PR.

As the Fletcher Marketing PR team takes a podcast hiatus for the holidays, don’t forget to tune back in to #MsInterPReted on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020 for the launch of Season 2. . . Kelly and Mary Beth will have some interesting tweaks and new offerings to announce for the podcast in the New Year!