Marketing to Women: Reaching Holiday Shoppers with Style

We’re definitely in the thick of the holiday shopping season, what with Black Friday and its newer counterpart, Cyber Monday having passed by a few weeks ago. No matter, it’s not too late to identify and reach consumers to boost those holiday sales. Thanks to a Retail Shopper Segmentation System by Experian Simmons, businesses can be more aware of who is shopping and therefore strategize on how to reach them. The market research finds shoppers to fall into the following 6 segments:

  • Just the Essentials – These are consumers who primarily purchase necessities because they know what they want before they go shopping. Fourteen percent of Americans make up this practical and no-nonsense group.
  • Status Strivers – This group is made up of twenty percent of American consumers, individuals who view shopping as a fun and recreational pastime. Browsing just as often as buying, folks in this group are willing to travel to stores and spend the necessary money and time to keep up with trends.
  • Mall Maniacs– Ten percent of American shoppers belong in this category. Like Status Strivers, this group also gets enjoyment from shopping, but these consumers are also willing to try new products, stores and styles to connect and interact with preferred brands.
  • Upscale Clicks & Bricks – These are knowledgeable consumers who are careful to research purchases before buying, likely to shop around and compare prices. Value and bang for the buck are the selling points when it comes to this group, made up of seventeen percent of Americans.
  • Virtual Shoppers– The majority of consumers fall into this category…twenty-six percent. They use the internet to find bargains and discounts to avoid paying full-price.
  • Original Traditionalists – The last group to round out the market is this thirteen percent. These shoppers are loyal to their brands, stores and services as well as aware of environmental issues. They incorporate green practices regularly and put much stock in experience and reliability when making purchasing decisions.

What kind of shopper are you? The above information is great and can be very helpful if you know what to do with it. Maybe you have an idea of who your organization’s main consumer is, but you aren’t sure how to reach her. Whether you want to create buzz for a new product or service or just reinforce your brand in the minds of shoppers, the team here at Fletcher PR is equipped and ready to handle all of your holiday marketing and public relations needs. As always, we are committed to working for our clients to reach women through the power of media. Let us help you by doing what we do best.