The #fivethings @huffpostwomen keep on hand

The Huffington Post did a recent article on powerful businesswomen, but it wasn’t your typical business feature. The story shares an inside look at how these women get their work done, specifically what items they like to keep nearby to help them tackle their jobs. They might sound like small things, but aren’t the small things what usually make the big difference? If we stopped to think about it, there are probably things that all of us like to have on hand while working, things that make the day a bit sweeter or each task more manageable.

Editor-in-Chief of Elle Magazine Robbie Myers keeps a handwritten note from George Clooney on her desk. Kathleen Sebelius, National Secretary of Health and Human Services has a small engraved sign with the words “It can be done” that encourages her to press on even when some work situations seem less than hopeful. The Today Show’s Tamron Hall must have fruity gum and anti-bacterial hand gel on hand to tackle her daily tasks while New York Times Editor Jill Abramson has a Beatles doll (George Harrison if you’re wondering!).

This post got me thinking about what items I like to keep on my desk and what each means to me.

A picture of my son, to remind me why I work so hard

Bright flowers that make me pause and appreciate the beauty in life

Lip gloss…you just never know who may stop by!

A snowball sculpture my son made in 2nd grade. While the other kids were crafting elaborate dragons and castles, he made a simple snowball and called it a day. This serves as a constant reminder that life really doesn’t have to be so complicated!

What’s on your desk? Maybe it’s just something as simple as a nice pen that you prefer to use or maybe, like Robbie Myers, you have a handwritten note from George Clooney! Whatever it is, there is something special about it that symbolizes you!