The Girlfriends Niche when Marketing to Women

Our society and the practices we adhere to are constantly evolving with the times. With the advances in technology, everything seems to move at a quicker pace. Online dating has become as much or more popular than traditional methods and distance education via virtual classrooms now provide students with the same degrees they previously obtained only by physically attending courses. We want everything and we want it now. Curious about some song lyrics from the 80s? Google and many other search engines are only a couple of keystrokes and a click away. Can’t decide what to have for dinner? From recipes to restaurants, the web is a seemingly unlimited resource for all our queries. One site that has gained popularity lately certainly appears to cover many bases when it comes to our questions. Girls Guide To…is a free online forum where members can post and answer each others’ questions dealing with a wide range of topics, from self, love and health to college, finances and gadgets. Brette Borow is the president and founder of this venture, currently at 140k members and growing.

Women were once given the option of sending questions such as these to noted advice gurus such as Dear Abby and her sister, Ann Landers. Now, with the click of a button, the answers to our many questions are at our fingertips. Any advice is still quite subjective, but the idea of having 140,000 folks ready and willing to give advice to your every question is kind of a novel concept.

So, you’re wondering what this has to do with marketing? Sites such as “Girls Guide To…” and others like it show us that people, women in particular crave connectivity. Women want to find a group into which they can be accepted and thrive. Within Facebook, there are thousands of small niche groups that allow users to connect with each other over hobbies, culture and things that they like or dislike. Companies must take part in this phenomenon. It isn’t enough to simply have a website, you must engage your audience. Give your customers a place to express their opinions and ideas and they will be much more likely to remain loyal. Let them know their opinions and ideas matter to you, especially as you are shaping your brand. Don’t underestimate the power of social media and the ways in which it is bringing people together all over the world.

FletcherPR is a national communications firm that specializes in reaching women through the power of media. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN with staff in Nashville & Los Angeles, we are a full-service agency providing strategic public relations, social media and marketing communications services to our clients throughout the U.S.