The Kellys Agree…In Public Relations, Give good phone!

One of my favorite books of late is If You Have to Cry Go Outside and Other Things Your Mother Never Told You by PR fashion mogul, Kelly Cutrone. I love this woman, her style and her fierce comeback after a few years of being, shall we say, “sidetracked.” It’s a must-read for any PR or marketing professional (or wannabe).

In her book, Cutrone talks about the importance of “giving good phone,” and I couldn’t agree more. In today’s digital environment, it can be easy to hide behind email, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or a myriad of other communication tools. These social networking programs are great and have a definite place in the world of marketing and public relations, but there is absolutely no substitute for picking up the phone and having a conversation—whether its with an editor, reporter, or (God forbid), your actual clients.

You see, people still value relationships and respond to the human voice. In our agency, we don’t leave a voice mail unless we’ve called at least three times at various times of the day in an attempt to reach a media contact. Then, what the heck? At that point, it’s okay to leave a message so your contact can at least put a real-live voice with an email pitch. It might actually prompt someone to go back and OPEN your email! Keep it brief and to the point, but follow-up is mandatory. Issuing a press release without follow-up is kind of like a tree falling in a forest. Did it actually make noise if no one was there to hear it?

So, get off your iPad, Blackberry or laptop and GIVE SOME GOOD PHONE.

Posted by: Kelly Fletcher