The Natural Dentist…a better way of marketing to women

It would be pretty hard to have missed the “green” movement that has swept our nation. Nowhere is it more of a hot topic than in the area of food. We are all paying more attention to the foods we eat as well as those we feed our families. From processed sugars and trans-fats to added sodium…we are finally putting our foot down and making smarter, more educated decisions about what we put into our bodies.

But have you ever thought about the products besides food that make their ways into our systems? I’d be willing to bet that you probably brushed your teeth this morning (at least your colleagues certainly hope you did!). It’s likely you also used mouthwash of some kind or at least have in the past. Did you know that most of the dental hygiene products that are commercially available contain some ingredients that just aren’t good for you? Alcohol, artificial dyes, flavors and fragrances are all commonly found in the dental products being sold in stores today.

Thankfully, there is a better option. The Natural Dentist, a line of dental care from Revive Personal Products offers an alternative way to develop and maintain great oral hygiene without compromising quality or results. Created by a dentist, these products contain no alcohol, artificial ingredients or sodium laurel sulfate (an ingredient known to cause irritation for many people). The Natural Dentist products are made with natural ingredients that are gentle, safe and effective for use by the whole family. Marketing research has found that consumers are more likely to choose a product they view as green when the product’s attributes are viewed as positive across several categories. In this case, The Natural Dentist would win out for not only having healthy, natural ingredients, but also because the products are made in the USA and cruelty-free. Another plus is availability since the products are readily available in drugstores across the country. It is vital for any company to know its audience when marketing a product. FletcherPR has proven success in utilizing public relations and marketing strategies to identify and reach market segments such as this.