Thursday Night Primetime Trifecta: A Girls’ Night with the Leading Ladies

I am counting down the days for my “Thursday TV Trifecta” (aka: my shows) – Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal and the new How to Get Away with Murder! I had drifted away from Grey’s Anatomy, but my interest was resuscitated when I discovered that Scandal came on right after it. Now, with How to Get Away with Murder rounding out my Thursday night, I am happily planning a girls night in to kick off the fall line-up.

It’s encouraging to see so many talented actresses in dramatic leads and other supporting roles. From Mary Tyler Moore’s newsroom, Candice Bergen as Murphy Brown to Jennifer Garner in Alias and Clair Danes in Homeland, women are continuing to brighten the screen with brains, brilliant banter and beauty! And let me not forget Downton Abbey’s Dowager Countess, Lady Violet and the other D-A Ladies that have kept us riveted to our screens.

Not only are women on the rise in front of the camera, but we’re learning that the writers, directors and producers are often women, too. Shonda Rhimes and Diane English are two that spring to mind. And the latest silver screen blockbuster, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy was written by 33-year-old Nicole Perlman!

Ladies, we hear you roar, and we like it.