Tips for organizing your work life

A good leader has good organizational skills [credit:]There is no better time than the present to start thinking about how you can stay organized.

When your work life is organized, you’re able to manage your time better and be more productive. Good organizational skills are also an important trait of a good leader. But getting organized is a commitment that takes some preparation to develop a system for success. With papers piling up, phone calls, e-mails and meetings that compete for your time, it’s easy to let those tasks slip away.

Not all organizational tips work for everybody. The one that works best for you will depend on your personal life, work style, and most importantly, the demands of your job.

Here are three things to consider as you get organized:

  1. Be consistent

Being consistent is fundamental to having structure not only in your work life but your personal life as well. Identify when you’re most productive. If you are a morning person, wake up a little earlier. If you tend to stay up late, take time to get everything ready for the next day. Either way, make a conscious effort to find a routine and stick with it.   

  1. Stay on track

By dedicating time before you leave work to file, update your calendar or create a to-do list for the next day, you’re allowing yourself to stay on track. This will give you an immense sense of accomplishment. While it may seem unrealistic to be on top of things throughout the day, it’s not impossible. Create “sorting bins” labeled “to-do,” “to-file” and “to-scan” to help keep things from piling up on your desk.  

  1. Keep it simple

Simple tasks can be essential to staying organized. Keep a running, daily to-do list. What you don’t finish that day, be sure to put on the next day’s list. Set realistic deadlines, delegate as much as you can and keep a positive attitude. Be flexible with the items you can and don’t forget to reward yourself for the tasks you have accomplished.