Trusting Social Media in Public Relations & Marketing to Women

Social media, while once the wave of the future, is now here to stay. In this day and age, if an organization doesn’t have and maintain a Facebook page, we just don’t know what to think. When we want to tag a brand in a post, whether it be for professional or personal purposes, if there isn’t anything to tag, we are left scratching our heads.

Some marketing experts have wondered if having more and more advertisers utilizing word-of-mouth through social media is going to ultimately reduce its effectiveness. Based on several reports from the past couple of years, there is some data to support that people have grown less trustful of social media claims.

It is important to remember that in marketing to women, building trust through relationships is crucial. Studies have shown men to trust the opinions of experts, but women are much more likely to put more stock in the claims of “people like me.” Because of this, a key element of the marketing trust-building effort should be focused on who is the voice behind the messages.

Companies can use this information to their advantage by making sure that the messages being disseminated are coming from a real human voice. A weblog or “blog” is a great place to start. Your organization’s blog is a voice to your audience sharing your brand’s values, strides and achievements, as well as a community where they can get in on the conversation.

Gaining women’s trust often depends on the details being shared. Women want to know the back-story, the ins and outs of a company, what’s going on behind the scenes. A blog is the perfect platform for this type of communication because it draws the consumers in by allowing them to voice their opinions as well. Even negative opinions are shared and addressed on blogs, making this is an invaluable tool for any company always looking to improve upon things.

If your company or brand would like to enhance your social media messages to target women, or find out more about using social media to reach more people, give us a call.