Why cause marketing works

causemarketing2.jpg‘Tis the season of giving, and businesses have an opportunity to show consumers they care.

Looking for a more meaningful brand experience, 87 percent of shoppers are turning from one brand to another if associated with a good cause. Moreover, 95 percent of college-aged students said they are less likely to ignore an ad linked to a charitable cause, according to a study from Alloy Media.

Cause marketing, if done correctly, can help your business gain consumer trust points and reap meaningful benefits. Here are some key points to take into consideration when developing a cause marketing strategy:

Find a cause you are passionate about.
When you find a cause that resonates with you and your company, it will be easier to give back. Employees will be more inclined to help, contributing to brainstorming sessions and volunteer opportunities. Find a cause that excites your company and watch your team dedicate themselves whole-heartedly.

Create a memorable and impactful story.
Your cause marketing efforts will be more successful if the cause can be related back to the goals, values and mission of your business. For instance, the shoe brand TOMS gives one pair of shoes to a child in need for every shoe purchase to help improve lives, and outdoor apparel designer Patagonia recycles worn and used outerwear to promote eco-friendly consumerism and sustainability. Choose a worthy cause and integrate it with a meaningful program that is relatable to your business in order to create a story that will resonate with your customers.

Give more than just money.
Charitable organizations rely on financial donations, but it isn’t the only way to contribute. Depending on your business industry and circumstances, you can find opportunities to donate your own products or volunteer your time to a cause that resonates with both your audience and your brand. And consumers may be more inclined to turn to brands that give something more than just money.

Set clear guidelines and expectations.
If you choose to form a partnership with a charitable organization or create an alliance with multiple charities, set clear guidelines and expectations. Let them know how you plan to promote their cause through use of logos and branding, and what they will receive. Create a mutually beneficial relationship by asking how you can relay promotions to their audience through newsletters, e-blasts or social media they might already have in place.

Create a campaign.
Designate a whole campaign around your cause to initiate actions from your customers. You can use celebrity endorsements, but personal stories from real people affected by your cause will resonate more. Offering incentives such as discounts, exclusive content and special promotions to your customers in exchange for customer actions (purchases, shares, etc.) can increase participation. You can also create a website for the campaign and share the link to your audience through social media. Just get started!

If you are interested in beginning a cause marketing campaign for your business, please give us a call at (865) 249-8371. We’d love to discuss the possibilities for your brand, and help you give back to a cause you can feel good about.