Women who help others: A 5-part series celebrating Women’s History Month

Credit: Andrea TruanHelping others isn’t always easy, even when we know in our hearts that it is the right thing to do.

Much of this has to do with the possible lack of resources, including money, time or space, and sometimes it’s because we are worried that our good intentions will lead us to be taken advantage of. But regardless of how little we may have, having faith that our good will will help someone else is truly the beauty in giving to others.

I’ve always admired those who are able dedicate their lives to helping and giving to others, such as Mother Teresa, actress Angelina Jolie and Princess Diana. These three women have made headlines with their humanitarian efforts to improve society and the world we live in.

Mother Teresa, donned in her iconic blue-trimmed white sari, spent nearly her entire life helping India’s poverty. She followed her heart and calling to establish The Missionaries of Charity, a congregation dedicated to providing homes and services to those who needed them the most. Recognized with many awards and accolades for her work, including a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, Mother Teresa will be receiving one more. This year on September 4, Mother Teresa will be canonized as a saint by Pope Francis.

Even as a child, I loved Angelina Jolie for her acting roles, especially when she played Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. In fact, it was that role that led her to begin her humanitarian work. After witnessing the war-torn country of Cambodia and the suffering of its people, Jolie pushed headfirst into work supporting human rights. She began by actively working with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and later launched the National Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Children in 2005. Since then, Jolie has continued helping countries around the world, including Namibia, Cambodia and Ethiopia.

Princess Diana once said, “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” This mantra encompasses the princess’s mindset as she helped improve the lives of disadvantaged people. She was particularly passionate about work on behalf of the homeless and those with leprosy and HIV/AIDS. She also championed efforts to ban the use of landmines. Her personable and loving nature was admired by many, while her humanitarian legacy remains strong.

Today, and every day, let yourself be inspired by women like Mother Teresa, Angelina Jolie and Princess Diana, who truly set the standard when it comes to showing what you are capable of. The world can be a big and scary place, but with a bit of compassion and a heart full of generosity, you can help make a world of difference for someone else.