Women who inspire us: A 5-part series celebrating Women’s History Month

Credit: Andrea TruanAt Fletcher Marketing PR, we specialize in marketing to women and the complexities that often entails. We challenge our clients to resist the ‘one size fits all’ approach and to challenge her status quo.

As we commemorate Women’s History Month this March, we want to take time to pause and reflect on the demographic that has now fueled our business for nine years.

And we want to celebrate the amazing women all around us – the wild dreaming, non-traditional, hyper-intelligent women we’ve read about in history books and the modern-day women out there challenging the status quo right this very minute.

The women who inspire us. Women like:

Marie Curie –In an era when most women were relegated to minding the children and running the household, Marie Curie was a physicist conducting pioneering research on radioactivity. I still find it awe-inspiring that a woman who lived more than 100 years ago was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and is the only woman to ever win it twice.  

Aung San Suu Kyi – Talk about standing up to a bully. Aung San Suu Kyi spoke out against the brutal dictator, U Ne Win of Myanmar, and started a non-violent movement toward achieving democracy and human rights for her people. After spending more than 15 years under house arrest, Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1991 and went on to gain a parliamentary seat with the National League for Democracy party.

Amelia Earhart – Did you know that Amelia Earhart capitalized on her celebrity by endorsing ‘Lucky Strike’ cigarettes and creating her own fashion apparel collection? She used the profits to fund her love of flying. She even worked as an associate editor at Cosmopolitan to campaign for greater public acceptance of aviation, especially for women entering the field. As the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, she opened doors to a whole new world of possibilities for women.

With spirit, passion, determination and ambition, women are continuing to challenge the status quo and to pave a new way. Twitter_logo_blue_16.pngWhich women inspire you? Tell us and we may include them in our blog series this month.

And of course, be sure to go make your own history.